Warning: Stay Vigilant Against an NHS Scam in 2023

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In an increasingly digital world, the risk of falling victim to scams is all too real. The NHS, a trusted institution, is not immune to being targeted by unscrupulous individuals seeking to take advantage of unsuspecting patients and healthcare providers.

Staying vigilant against NHS scams, or “nhs scam” incidents, is of utmost importance to protect our personal information, finances, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the various types of scams targeting the NHS, learn how to recognise and protect ourselves from these nhs scam tactics, and discuss how healthcare providers can help safeguard their patients and themselves.

Key Takeaways – NHS Scam

  • Stay vigilant against NHS scams in 2023 by recognising red flags and avoiding suspicious emails, messages, and calls.

  • Prevent fraudsters taking advantage of victims lack of awareness
  • Protect yourself from fraud with precautionary steps like keeping personal information secure and reporting scams to the authorities.

  • Healthcare providers should stay informed on potential threats, implement security measures, educate patients about scams, monitor attempts proactively & respond accordingly.

Recognising NHS Scams

Upset Confused Woman Holding Smartphone, Looking At her smart Phone Screen With Worried Expression as she may be a victim of an NHS Scam

The first step in protecting ourselves and others from NHS scams is to recognize the various forms scams can take. Scammers often target the NHS through phishing emails, suspicious messages, and fraudulent phone calls. Being aware of these common tactics can help us identify when something seems off and take appropriate action to avoid falling victim.

In the next paragraphs, we’ll explore each of these scam types and note the red flags that help identify them.

Phishing Emails

Phishing emails aim to deceive individuals into providing personal or financial information by appearing to be from a legitimate source, such as the NHS. These emails often contain urgent requests for information or links to fake websites designed to trick recipients into divulging sensitive information. A common tactic employed by cybercriminals is to exploit current events, such as the rising cost of living, energy bill support scams, or the coronavirus pandemic, to make their phishing attempts more convincing.

Recognising the warning signs and seeking advice is a useful first step in safeguarding ourselves from phishing emails. Legitimate emails from the NHS, such as those from the Trust’s electronic recruiting system (TRAC), will include links to a job reference number that corresponds to a specific vacancy. Suspicious emails, sometimes disguised as a letter, should be forwarded to the appropriate authorities for investigation.

If you’re an NHS email user, you can forward any suspicious messages as an attachment to spamreports@nhs.net. Alternatively, they can use this link to the ‘Report Phishing’ button on the ribbon within Microsoft Outlook.

For guidance on Phishing emails and scams read our informative article on how to spot Phishing emails

Suspicious Messages

In addition to phishing emails, scammers may also target victims through suspicious messages, such as text messages or social media messages that appear to be from a reliable source. One such type of scam is smishing, wherein text messages attempt to persuade recipients to take certain actions, like making a call to a premium rate telephone number or divulging confidential information. Most people are unaware of this type of scam, making it crucial to stay vigilant.

When receiving messages from unknown sources, exercising caution becomes a key to protect ourselves from suspicious messages. If you receive a suspicious text message, do not respond, click on any links, see messages, or call any numbers provided in the message. Instead, report the message by forwarding it to the 7726 SMS reporting service. This will help the authorities track and investigate the scam and prevent others from falling victim.

Fraudulent Telephone Calls

Fraudulent telephone calls, or phone scams, involve deceptive calling with the intent of deceiving or defrauding the recipient. These calls often involve someone impersonating a reliable entity, such as the NHS, and may request personal or financial information. The caller may even use a fake telephone number or exhibit a friendly demeanor to attempt to gain the recipient’s trust.

When receiving unsolicited calls, maintaining a cautious and skeptical mindset can help us protect ourselves from fraudulent telephone calls. Never disclose personal or financial information over the phone unless the caller’s identity is verified. If you are unsure of the caller’s authenticity, it is best to end the call and contact the official NHS helpline or visit their official website to verify the information.

How to Protect Yourself from NHS Scams

A senior couple using smartphone during eating dinner together at home checking messages for an NHS Scam

Now that we have explored the different types of NHS scams and how to recognise them, it is crucial to learn how to protect ourselves from these threats. By being cautious with emails and messages, keeping personal details secure, and reporting scams to authorities, we can minimise the risk of falling victim to scams and help protect others in the process.

Next, we’ll outline specific strategies that can be employed to fend off scams.

Be Aware of Suspicious Emails and Messages

Being aware of suspicious emails and messages is a key component of protecting ourselves from phishing scams. As discussed earlier, phishing emails and suspicious messages often contain urgent or threatening language, display poor grammar and spelling, and include links to potentially malicious websites. Protection comes from exercising caution when receiving emails or messages from unfamiliar senders, verifying the sender’s email address, and avoiding suspicious links.

If you receive a suspicious email or message, it is important to report it to the relevant authorities. This will help them track and investigate the scam and prevent others from falling victim. Additionally, you can report the suspicious message to the email provider or social media platform from which it was sent.

Checout our informative article on how to spot Phishing emails

Keep Your Personal Details Secure

Safeguarding your personal information is of great importance, as it can help deter unauthorized access to your accounts, financial data, and other confidential information. Avoid disclosing sensitive information, such as personal details such as NHS numbers or bank details, unless the recipient can be verified, this is a crucial step in protecting your personal details. Additionally, regularly reviewing your bank statements and credit reports for any unauthorized activity can help you detect and address potential issues before they escalate.

Another essential component of keeping your personal and bank details more secure is ensuring the security of your devices. Installing and regularly updating antivirus software on your devices can help protect against malware and other online threats. By staying informed about the latest scamming techniques and educating yourself on common NHS scams, you can stay vigilant and better protect yourself from potential scams.

Concerned about scammers on Vinted?, read our informative blogpost and learn how to spot the fraudsters and protect yourself online.

Report Scams to Authorities

Reporting scams to authorities is a crucial step in protecting ourselves and others from falling victim to scams. In 2022, the Suspicious Email Reporting Service received 6.4 million reports, leading to the elimination of 67,300 scam URLs. By reporting scams, you can help authorities track and investigate these scams, ultimately preventing others from falling victim.

When reporting scams to authorities, it is important to follow best practices. Here are the steps you should take.

  1. Contact your local law enforcement agency or the police promptly.

  2. Gather all pertinent information about the scam, including any evidence you have.

  3. Report the scam to the relevant government agency or organization that deals with scams and fraud, such as Action Fraud in the UK.

  4. Provide as much detail as possible when reporting the scam, including the scammer’s contact information and the method they used to scam you.

By following these steps and providing detailed payment information, you can assist the authorities in their investigation and taking action against scammers.

Timely reporting of scams is essential in preventing further harm and assisting authorities to take action against scammers. By staying vigilant and reporting scams, we can contribute to a safer environment for ourselves and others.

You may find our informative article on preventing Social Media Scams useful

Real-Life Examples of NHS Scams

Senior woman struggling with technology, she is confused and staring at the computer screen as she is being targeted by scammers

To better understand how NHS scams work and the impact they can have, let’s explore some real-life examples.

  1. Scammers have been known to pose as NHS staff and attempt to sell fake COVID-19 vaccines for a fee.

  2. Fake NHS websites offering free health services.

  3. Fraudulent phone calls claiming to be from the NHS.

  4. Phishing emails requesting personal information.

These scams not only cause financial harm to victims, but also erode trust in the NHS and healthcare providers.

By sharing real-life examples of NHS scams, we can raise awareness of the tactics that scammers use and the potential consequences of falling victim to these scams. Being informed and vigilant can help us protect ourselves and others from such scams, ensuring that we can continue to trust the NHS and healthcare providers for our healthcare needs.

Tips for Healthcare Providers

Female healthcare worker with clipboard sitting on comfortable sofa and examining caucasian man in wheelchair at home dscussing NHS scams

Healthcare providers play a critical role in protecting their patients and themselves from scams. By staying informed, implementing robust security measures, calling and educating patients about potential scams, healthcare providers can help minimise the risk of scams impacting their practice.

In what follows, we’ll address specific tips that healthcare services providers can use to protect themselves and their patients.

Educate Patients

Senior woman talking to young care nurse on home visit about NHS scams

It’s vital for healthcare providers to impart knowledge to patients about potential scams and the methods to evade them. By informing patients of the warning signs of scams, such as suspicious emails, messages, and phone calls, healthcare providers can empower patients to recognize and protect themselves from potential threats.

Healthcare providers should also encourage patients to report any suspicious communication to the appropriate authorities. By fostering open communication and providing resources for patients to learn about and report scams, healthcare providers can contribute to a safer healthcare environment for all.

Implement Security Measures

It’s incumbent upon healthcare providers to put security measures in place that shield patient information and block unauthorized access to sensitive data. Recommended practices for implementing security measures include:

  • Conducting comprehensive risk assessments

  • Implementing robust access controls

  • Regularly updating and patching software

  • Utilizing encryption.

Training employees on security awareness is crucial for:

  • Ensuring they understand the importance of security protocols

  • Teaching them how to implement security measures effectively

  • Preventing data breaches and other security threats that may arise from human error or lack of knowledge.

Monitor and Respond to Scam Attempts

Healthcare providers should actively monitor and respond to scam attempts to minimize their impact on their practice and patients. This advice includes:

  • Staying abreast of the latest scam tactics

  • Regularly monitoring financial accounts and credit reports for unauthorized activity

  • Exercising caution when divulging personal information

In addition, healthcare providers should create strong and unique passwords for their accounts and encourage their staff to do the same. By staying vigilant, healthcare providers can help protect their practice and patients from the harmful effects of scams.


In conclusion, staying vigilant against NHS scams is paramount for both individuals and healthcare providers. By recognising the various types of scams, such as phishing emails, suspicious messages, and fraudulent telephone calls, we can protect ourselves and others from falling victim. It is also crucial for healthcare providers to educate patients, implement security measures, and monitor and respond to scam attempts to safeguard their practice and patients.

We all have a role to play in protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and our healthcare system from scams. By staying informed, vigilant, and proactive, we can help create a safer environment for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most common types of NHS scams?

Common NHS scams to watch out for include phishing emails, suspicious messages, suspicious emails and fraudulent telephone calls. Stay vigilant and don’t give out personal information. Learn the scams tips to prevent becoming a victim.

How can I recognise a phishing email?

Look out for emails with urgent requests, poor grammar and spelling, and suspicious links as these are common warning signs of a phishing email.

What should I do if I receive a suspicious message or email?

Do not respond, click on any links, or call any numbers provided in a suspicious message, letter, or email; instead, report it to the appropriate authorities.

How can healthcare providers protect their patients and themselves from scams?

Healthcare providers should educate their patients on potential scams, put security measures in place, and actively monitor and respond to any scam attempts.

How can healthcare providers protect their patients and themselves from scams?

Healthcare providers should educate their patients on potential scams, put security measures in place, and actively monitor and respond to any scam attempts. They should ensure that their patients are aware of the risks associated with online scams, and provide resources to help them identify and avoid them. Security measures should include two-factor authentication, encryption, and other measures to protect against fraud.

What should I do if I suspect I have fallen victim to an NHS scam?

If you suspect you have fallen victim to an NHS scam, report it to your local law enforcement agency or national fraud reporting center.

Are fraudsters taking advantage of an overstretched NHS

Yes, fraudsters may take advantage of an overstretched NHS, in fact fraudsters and scammers will take advantage of any circumstance that they can manipulate to thier advantage. It is important to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities.

What was the NHS test and trace scam?

The NHS Test and Trace scam involves fraudsters contacting individuals, pretending to be from the NHS and attempting to gather personal information or financial details. They may use various methods such as phone calls, text messages, or emails to deceive people. It is important to remember that the NHS will never ask for payment details or financial information, nor will they ask for bank account or passport details. If you suspect any suspicious contact, don’t fall victim to coronavirus scams (even those the virus is less distruptive) it is recommended to report it to the authorities immediately.

What is contactless card fraud?

Contactless credit or debit card fraud refers to unauthorised transactions made using a contactless payment card without the cardholder’s knowledge or consent. It typically involves criminals using a stolen or counterfeit contactless card to make purchases or withdrawals.

External Useful Reference Websites

  1. Action Fraud
    • Website: www.actionfraud.police.uk
    • Description: Action Fraud is the UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime. They offer advice on how to protect yourself and report scams.
  2. NHS Counter Fraud Authority
    • Website: www.cfa.nhs.uk
    • Description: The NHS Counter Fraud Authority is dedicated to preventing fraud within the NHS. They provide updates on current scams and advice on how to avoid them.
  3. Which? Consumer Rights
  4. Citizens Advice
    • Website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk
    • Description: Citizens Advice provides guidance on a range of issues, including scams. They offer tips on how to recognize scams and what to do if you’ve been scammed.
  5. Age UK
    • Website: www.ageuk.org.uk
    • Description: Age UK offers advice specifically tailored for the elderly, who are often targeted by scammers. Their site provides information on the latest scams and how to protect oneself.
Website | + posts

With over three decades of experience in the heart of London’s financial sector, I have dedicated my career to the pursuit of robust cybersecurity practices and IT leadership. As a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

My journey in the field of cybersecurity has not only been about personal growth but also about sharing my insights with others. As an international speaker, I have had the privilege of addressing audiences worldwide, discussing the importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital age. My passion for knowledge sharing extends to my work as an author and blogger, where I delve into the complexities of cybersecurity, offering practical advice and thought leadership.

In my role as a CISO and Head of IT, I have overseen the development and implementation of comprehensive information security and IT strategies. My focus has always been on creating resilient systems capable of withstanding the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

My Master’s degree in Cybersecurity has provided a solid academic foundation, which, when combined with my practical experience, allows me to approach cybersecurity from a holistic perspective.

I am always open to connecting with other professionals in the field, sharing knowledge, and exploring new opportunities. Let’s secure the digital world together.