Someone using my address without consent: How to respond and to protect yourself

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Image a friend saying to you “someone using my address commited fraud”, what advice could you give them? This scenario is called house fraud and is becoming far too common and can lead to a host of unsettling consequences, from identity theft to unwelcome privacy invasions. But fear not, our comprehensive guide is here to empower you.

In today’s interconnected world, the sanctity of our personal information is under constant threat, with our home addresses being no exception. We’ll navigate through the murky waters of identifying misuse, taking swift action, and implementing robust protection strategies to safeguard your personal sanctuary. Join us as we turn the tables on address hijackers and reclaim our peace of mind.

Key Takeaways

  • Address fraud is a severe issue that can lead to identity theft, financial loss, damaged credit ratings, and legal problems for the victims.

  • Victims should respond to suspected address fraud by reporting it to the authorities, returning suspicious mail, monitoring credit reports for unauthorised activities, and placing fraud alerts with credit bureaus.

  • Prevention of address fraud includes updating your address with relevant authorities, securing online accounts with strong passwords, and regularly reviewing credit reports for any irregularities.

Understanding Address Fraud

Illustration of a locked mailbox to represent address fraud protection - Someone using my address without consent

While the digital age has simplified our lives, it has concurrently given rise to new forms of crime such as address fraud. It’s a type of identity theft where your home address is used without your consent to commit illegal activities.

The criminals can employ methods as simple as mail interception or as elaborate as creation of false personas, leaving no stone unturned in their pursuit of fraudulent gains.

This not only leads to identity theft and other illegal activities but also leaves the victim of identity theft in a whirlwind of emotional and legal distress.

What is address fraud?

Fundamentally, address fraud involves the unauthorised exploitation of another person’s address. It might seem like a minor inconvenience, but it’s far from it. This crime can be a gateway to numerous other illegal activities, including:

  • Identity theft

  • Tax evasion

  • Setting up fake businesses

  • Evading arrest warrants

Criminals have used address fraud for nefarious activities far and wide.

One common sign of address fraud is receiving unsolicited goods, suggesting that someone might be using your mailing address to order goods fraudulently with the intention of intercepting them.

Consequences of address fraud

The repercussions of address fraud reverberate not just amongst individual victims but also among businesses and local authorities. Some of the consequences that victims of identity theft may experience include:

  • Personal financial losses

  • Identity theft

  • Severely damaged credit ratings

  • Legal and emotional distress

These are just a few examples of the consequences of address fraud.

Businesses face financial losses and reputational challenges, and taxpayer-funded government benefits may suffer financial losses due to illegitimate claims for benefits.

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Recognising Signs of Unauthorised Address Use

Photo of a person examining unfamiliar mail to recognize signs of address fraud - Someone using my address without consent

The initial step towards safeguarding yourself from address fraud involves identifying the signs of unauthorised address use. After all, what you don’t know can indeed hurt you. Some signs are obvious, like receiving bills for accounts you never opened or calls from debt collectors for unfamiliar debts. But sometimes, the signs are subtler, like unexpected changes in your credit score or issues with receiving your regular mail.

Regularly monitoring your credit report for unauthorised transactions, unfamiliar accounts, or inquiries can help you recognise the signs of unauthorised address use and nip the problem in the bud.

Unfamiliar mail

Picture this: You receive a letter addressed to a name completely foreign to you, this could be indications that your address is being used fraudulently. Identity thieves often redirect a victim’s mail to intercept sensitive documents.

So, if you start receiving unfamiliar mail not addressed to anyone within the household, consider it a red flag. It’s time to put your detective hat on and investigate further to prevent potential address fraud.

Suspicious financial activity

Another sign that someone might be using your address without your consent is suspicious financial activity. Regularly monitoring your financial statements and credit reports can help you spot unfamiliar transactions, accounts, or inquiries that could signal unauthorised use of your address. Identity thieves may use your name and address to open credit card accounts or apply for loans and mortgages, leaving you with unrecognised financial liability.

Placing a fraud alert on your credit reports with credit bureaus and using services to obtain multi-agency credit reports can help identify undetected fraudulent activities, and prevent further unauthorised actions.

Steps to Take When Someone Uses Your Address Without Consent

Illustration of a person reporting to authorities after address fraud - Someone using my address without consent

Realizing that your address has been used without your permission can be distressing. But don’t panic. There are steps you can take to address the situation and protect yourself from any further harm.

These include:

  • Reporting the unauthorised use to authorities

  • Returning unwanted mail to the sender or postal service

  • Notifying major credit bureaus about the situation to prevent potential financial fraud.

Report to authorities

Should you suspect address fraud, your initial course of action should be to report to the Police or Action Fraud (UK). Providing evidence and details can help create an official record of the crime, which is crucial in initiating an investigation and declaring your innocence of any illegal activities linked to the address fraud. Diligently documenting evidence, such as mail pieces and documentation, will bolster your case when it’s reported to authorities.

Remember, it’s not just about reporting the misuse, but also about holding the offender accountable through fines or criminal charges.

Notify credit bureaus

Credit bureaus significantly contribute to the prevention of financial fraud. If you suspect address fraud, notify major credit bureaus like Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Request a fraud alert on your credit file. This will require potential creditors to take extra verification steps when opening new accounts, adding an extra layer of security.

In the UK, you can even add a password notice of correction on a copy of your credit report for added security. If you identify any fraudulent activity on your credit report, contact Experian directly for its removal once the lender confirms the information as fraudulent.

Return unwanted mail

If you receive mail that’s not addressed to you, it’s crucial to return it. Mark it as ‘Not at this address’ and send it back to the sender, local post office or postal service. This will not only stop unauthorised use but also alert the sender to the fraud. Be careful, though. Don’t open the mail. Destroying mail that’s not yours is an offense.

For mistakenly delivered items or election-related mail, they should be returned to the sender or refused respectively to prevent legal issues and to correct the error. When receiving service or product renewal notices that are not yours, it’s important to refuse unwanted mail addressed to you, inform the sender of the incorrect address, and request they update the address for their records.

Protecting Your Address and Personal Information

Illustration of secure online accounts to protect against address fraud

Just like with any predicament, preventing address fraud is more favourable than resolving it. By taking some proactive steps, you can protect your address and personal information from falling into the wrong hands. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Update your address with relevant authorities.

  2. Secure your online accounts by using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.

  3. Regularly monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity.

By following these steps, you can reduce the risk of address fraud and keep your personal information safe.

Update your address with relevant authorities

It is important to keep your lenders and all financial institutions updated with your current address. This ensures that sensitive documents do not go to the old or wrong address again, reducing the risk of identity fraud.

If you suspect fraudulent use of credit checks on your name and address, take the following steps:

  1. Report the matter to Action Fraud.

  2. Contact your credit bureaus and inform them of the situation.

  3. Notify your bank and credit card companies so they can take the necessary steps to protect your financial interests.

Secure online accounts

One of the most common ways that address fraud occurs is through online accounts. By using strong, unique passwords and setting up two-factor authentication, you can add an extra layer of security to your online presence.

Enhancing the security of your bank accounts and other financial accounts by changing passwords and enrolling in financial fraud monitoring services can also alert you of new credit applications, inquiries, and potential breaches at other financial institutions.

Monitor your credit report

Regular monitoring of your credit report is another effective way to prevent address fraud. Services like Experian offer free credit monitoring, which can alert you to changes in your credit report and potential identity theft. After reporting fraud to Action Fraud, regularly monitoring your credit report and considering placing a fraud alert or credit freeze can prevent further fraudulent activity.

Make sure to obtain copies of your credit reports from all major credit bureaus. Then carefully review them, along with your credit card statements, for any suspicious activity and dispute any fraudulent accounts or transactions if needed.

Legal Remedies for Address Fraud Victims

Victims of address fraud also have the option of pursuing legal remedies. In many jurisdictions, address fraud is considered a serious crime, with penalties that can include fines and imprisonment.

Victims also have the option to consult with an lawyer and possibly file a civil lawsuit to recover financial damages.

Filing a civil lawsuit

Victims of address fraud might contemplate filing a civil lawsuit for recuperation of financial damages ensued due to unauthorised use of their address. Civil cases may involve ‘interim reliefs’ like Freezing Orders to prevent loss and dissipation of assets. Worldwide freezing orders (Injunctions) can arrest assets across borders, critical when dealing with defendants holding assets internationally.

However, defendants can challenge these orders, which require full disclosure by the applicant to be granted; failure to comply with these orders may lead to contempt of court proceedings.

Gathering evidence

Evidence plays a crucial role in any legal dispute. In civil fraud cases, conducting thorough preparatory work, including compiling significant evidence as soon as possible, is essential for going to court. Different types of evidence may be necessary, such as search orders allowing the removal of relevant evidence and full disclosure of all documents being pivotal for the parties involved.

Claimants must present detailed evidence of their losses since the court requires proper substantiation and not just assertions about damages. Victims of address fraud should gather personal documents and evidence such as:

  • Bank statements

  • Invalidation letters

  • Screenshots of fraud alerts

This evidence will support their case.

Preventive Measures if Someone Using my Address

Photo of a person reviewing credit reports for preventive measures against address fraud

Although knowing how to react when your address is used without your consent is vital, averting such incidents altogether is of paramount importance. From regularly reviewing credit reports to being cautious when sharing personal information online, several preventive measures can help you avoid becoming a victim of address fraud.

Regularly review credit reports

Credit reports can provide a wealth of information about your financial health, including any suspicious activity that might indicate address fraud. You can also access credit reports from Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax for added assurance.

Regularly checking your credit reports, especially before applying for credit for large purchases, after a data breach notification, or if your personal information or wallet is stolen, can help you spot any unexpected changes and dispute any inaccuracies.

Obtaining a multi-credit report from services can show your credit profile from all agencies in one report, enhancing security.

Be cautious when sharing personal information online

The advent of the internet has significantly eased the sharing of information. But with this convenience comes risk. Being vigilant about the information shared on social media, such as the name of a first pet or your school, can help protect you from address fraud. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid online games or interactive posts that ask for personal information, as they could be phishing attempts.

  • Assess the necessity of creating new accounts on websites and be cautious of the personal details they request.

  • Share personal information only on a need-to-know basis with trusted websites or applications, and provide the minimum information required.

Lastly, refrain from posting about holidays or significant life events as they occur, to avoid broadcasting that your home may be unoccupied. Ensure that photos posted online do not inadvertently disclose sensitive information such as your home address or personal identifiers.

Invest in identity theft protection services

Identity theft protection services provide more regular access and thorough monitoring than what an individual can usually handle single-handedly. These services often include insurance that covers stolen fund reimbursement, which is crucial in case of misused personal information.

Experian, a major credit bureau, provides identity theft protection services with the following features:

  • Dark web surveillance

  • Access to fraud resolution specialists

  • Quarterly credit scores from all three national credit bureaus

  • Increased amount of identity theft insurance

Resources and Support for Address Fraud Victims

Although battling address fraud may seem overwhelming, remember, you’re not in this alone. Numerous resources and support systems are available for victims of address fraud. These include:

  • Reporting the matter to Action Fraud

  • Contacting Experian for credit report assistance

  • Seeking advice from organisations like Victim Support and Citizens Advice


Address fraud is a serious issue with far-reaching consequences. But with awareness, vigilance, and the right preventive measures, you can protect yourself and your address. Remember, it’s not just about recognising the signs and taking action when you’re a victim, but also about preventing it in the first place.

By regularly reviewing your credit reports, being cautious when sharing personal information online, and investing in identity theft protection services, you can stay one step ahead of the fraudsters.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I stop someone from using my address?

To stop someone from using your address, you can take several steps such as a new address, previewing your mail, refusing unwanted mail, alerting companies, and scrubbing your address from public sites. Additionally, you should build your case, contact your bank and other financial institutions, review your credit report, update your online banking passwords, file a police report, and consider signing up for a financial fraud monitoring service.

How can you find out if someone is using your address?

Check your credit card and bank statements for any suspicious activity, and report any potential fraud to your bank immediately.

What if a scammer has my address?

If a scammer has your address, they could potentially send you unsolicited letters containing fake lotteries, prize draws, and investment scams. To protect yourself from mail fraud, consider signing up with the Mail Preference Service.

What is address fraud?

Address fraud is a type of identity theft where your home address is used without your consent for illegal activities. It can include identity theft and tax evasion, among other crimes.

How can I protect myself from address fraud?

To protect yourself from address fraud, update your address with relevant authorities, secure your online accounts, and regularly monitor your credit report. These measures can help minimise the risk of address fraud.

Useful Informative Websites

  1. Citizens Advice ( – Offers comprehensive advice on what steps to take if someone is fraudulently using your address, including how to report the misuse to various authorities.
  2. Action Fraud ( – The UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime. Provides advice on what to do if you suspect someone is using your address for fraudulent purposes.
  3. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) ( – Offers guidance on data protection and how to deal with unsolicited mail, which can be a sign of address misuse.
  4. Royal Mail ( – Provides information on how to deal with mail that is not addressed to you, including steps to take if you suspect fraud.
  5. ( – The official government website has various resources, including how to report identity theft and fraud.
  6. Credit Reference Agencies (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion) – Offer advice on how to check your credit report for signs of fraudulent activity and what steps to take to protect yourself.
  7. The Financial Ombudsman Service ( – Offers guidance on resolving disputes with financial institutions, which can be helpful if someone has used your address to open accounts or obtain credit.
  8. The National Fraud & Cyber Crime Reporting Centre ( – Part of the National Crime Agency, it provides resources for reporting and dealing with cybercrime and fraud.
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With over three decades of experience in the heart of London’s financial sector, I have dedicated my career to the pursuit of robust cybersecurity practices and IT leadership. As a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), and Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

My journey in the field of cybersecurity has not only been about personal growth but also about sharing my insights with others. As an international speaker, I have had the privilege of addressing audiences worldwide, discussing the importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital age. My passion for knowledge sharing extends to my work as an author and blogger, where I delve into the complexities of cybersecurity, offering practical advice and thought leadership.

In my role as a CISO and Head of IT, I have overseen the development and implementation of comprehensive information security and IT strategies. My focus has always been on creating resilient systems capable of withstanding the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

My Master’s degree in Cybersecurity has provided a solid academic foundation, which, when combined with my practical experience, allows me to approach cybersecurity from a holistic perspective.

I am always open to connecting with other professionals in the field, sharing knowledge, and exploring new opportunities. Let’s secure the digital world together.